Shot 5 - this is one of the moving backgrounds which is why the background is longer than normally. I have tested how long the background would have to be, in the post production process all the moving will be applied in Premiere or After Effects.
Shot 29 - this shot is when Pup looks out the window from Jenny's house. I had to keep in mind that Pup is smaller and everything in the house will be slightly higher than for Jenny. I think I managed to keep that perspective well. Also the sea is grey because it will be animated in Photoshop by Estelle so this is just a guide for her to know where the sea level should be. I'm rather happy with my progress of perspective learning.
Shots 43 & 46 - this is the second moving background. It will have Jenny running from point A to point B, the red outline is the camera size and movement. Point of background will also be used in shot 46 where Jenny begins to trip, since there isn't a change of the camera angle I felt that there wasn't any need for another background since this one worked well with animation. Before all the colouring process I have first tested out how both of the backgrounds would work with the animation.
Here is the rough background test with finalised animation by Estelle:
I have done the same with background shot 5 and shot 46.
Shot 48 - one the dramatic backgrounds. I can't wait to see the animated waves on the sunset. Again Estelle will animate this. I enjoyed drawing this a lot, a difference in colours and sun setting is something I looked forward to drawing this.
Shot 49 - this is a shot of when Jenny gets up from when she dripped on the rock. Unfortunately this will not be used since everyone agreed to make a wash with vague buildings as the background. I thought that Jenny would get up and move slowly towards the pier when the camera was focused on the sunset however that was not the case.
Shot 58 - Estelle wanted me to draw the scene when Jenny finds the hat at her doorstep since she felt that she needed to see a fresh view of that scene. I took some reference photos of my feet in heavy boots and a hat laying in different positions. I think that the hat position is good since its consistent with Jenny picking up the hat in the next scene and looks like it contains a shell. I still need to show this to Hilary to see what she thinks of it because the original drawing wasn't clear in what it was showing. I have started colouring one of the animations shots I did and I'm moving onto another background. I feel that there has been a lot done this week and that we're going at a good pace with this project.